Friday, October 17, 2008

Shaikh Abdul Qadir Thaika Sahib Waliullah kayalpatnam

Shaikh Abdul Qadir alias Thaika Sahib Wali was the eldest son of Umar Wali. He was a great scholar , saint and professor. He traveled thoughout Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Ceylon and spread Islam. The rulers of Kerala and Ceylon were his admirers. He composed short and long poems in Arabic and Tamil. He was the Qutb of his time. Several saints of Tamil Nadu and Ceylon studied under him. Shaikh Mustafa Alim Wali and Kashawatte Muhammad Lebbai Alim Wali were his main Ceylon disciples. He was the Khilafa of his father Umar Wali and also of Sayyid Shaikh Jifri of Calicut. He propagated Islam and Qadiriyah Thariqah. His famous Arabic poem is "Ahmadhulla " in praise of our noble Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi alaihiwasalam). It is very popular in Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka. His son Sayyid Muhammad Salih and his brothers were all scholars and saints.

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